Thursday, 24 January 2013

My Read It Dad

Readitdaddy has laid down a challenge to parents everywhere to make 2013 the year that we all read to our children more, because as mums and dads we are just not doing it enough. So with that in mind, I wanted to pay tribute to my own dad, and all the stories that he read to me when I was a wee tiny nipper.

Amongst all the ladybird books and Mr Men, when I was five he decided to read me the whole Chronicles of Narnia, out loud. Night after night he was there, finishing each night with his characteristic slamming of the book closed and wobbling his false tooth at me before lights out. As my choice of them all, I'm picking The Magician's Nephew as the one which really got me hooked on books. I was thrilled by the adventures of Digory and Polly as they were zapped through worlds by Uncle Andrew's magic rings, inadvertently taking the White Witch with them into Narnia.  I'm not sure why this book captivated me more than all the others in the Chronicles of Narnia. Perhaps because it was that last to be written and that made it more accomplished, but more likely because it was the first book my dad took time out from his full time job and part time OU Degree to read to me.

Sadly, I don't remember being read much to after this, but I think that's because I was reading independently by then. There was a LOT of Enid Blyton, followed by Laura Ingalls Wilder,  When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit and the Diary of Anne Frank. Maple syrup has a special place in my memory, as does Darell from Mallory Towers, a scruffy rabbit, bilingualism  and coming of age in a secret annexe with a boy named Peter. That's all down to my dad, who took time out to read to me. Thanks dad. x


  1. This is a touching and very lovely post Evie. Your dad gave you two of the most valuable things a parent can give their child. His time, and a love of books. I really wish I could get a handle on why people DON'T read to their kids (I can understand the many reasons why parents physically can't, but when it's just a case of "Can't be bothered" that makes me incredibly sad). Thank goodness for people like your dad though because your dad (and many other mums and dads like him) know what it feels like when they experience that utterly unbeatable moment where a child falls under a book's spell.

    A huge tip of the hat to your dad, and to you for such a lovely post - and massive, massive thanks for backing the campaign!

    Phil @ ReadItDaddy

  2. Thanks Phil. No-one can ever take that time away from you either x
