Saturday, 25 May 2013

A Little Update

Well, it's been a bit quiet around here post wise, so I'd like to say thankyou to everyone who has taken the time to visit the blog. Life has been up in the air here for a while, with my dad's illness, unemployment and setting up a new business. I did think that redundancy would give me LOADS more time for blogging, but as it turns out I seem to find myself cleaning and folding clothes a lot of the time...
The good news for me is that I can now take a breath as my business is now up and running, and my dad is feeling well enough to read a lot of books (I pray it stays that way). The bad news for the blog is that I'm reading a lot of books that I sell at the moment. I don't think it's right that I review books that I sell so that's why it's been so quiet.

PS if you click on the link and wonder 'where's evie?' I should come clean that she's the girl, and I'm the mummy!